Name: Dr. Nidal Ali Hussein Rasheed Al-Rasheed

Academic Degree: Assistant Professor

Occupation: Assistant Director of Hostels Affairs Department for female students.

General specialty: Philosophy of the Origins of Religion

Major specialty: Science of Hadith


Assistant Director Hostels Affairs Department for female students.CV

Name: Dr. Nidal Ali Hussein Rasheed Al-Rasheed

Date of Birth: 11/ 1/ 1960

Marital Status: Married

Religion: Muslim

General Specialty: Philosophy of the Origins of Religion.

Title: Assist. Prof. Dr

Academic Degree: Assist. Prof in 6/9/2017

Workplace: College of Islamic Sciences: Department of the Prophet’s Hadith

Phone Number: 07902516760


Duties of Assistant Director of Hostels Affairs Department for female students.

1.  Assisting the director of Hostels Affairs Department, according to the authorities granted to her, and in accordance with the duties assigned to her, and following up the implementation of administrative decisions and directives.

  2.  Visiting the Hostels Affairs Department for female students periodically to determine the level of services and the discipline of the female employees and guards, and following up the correct performance of the duties of the Hostels Affairs complexes management.

3. Following up the department officials and the secretaries of the complexes in the Hostels Affairs to diagnose the problems of female students and find appropriate solutions to them.

  4. Direct responsibility in dealing with technical issues in the female students’ departments, guidance in following up problems and obstacles, and supervising the maintenance of the Hostels Affairs Department.

  5. Directly following up the affairs of employees, supervisors and service workers, and directing the formation of the various audit committees.